
Polyphasic Sleep

I have begun a polyphasic sleep experiment. If you do not know what I mean by “polyphasic sleep” I think google can do a better job explaining, but in a nutshell it consists of dividing your sleep into “phases” so as to reduce the total amount of sleep you need.

This works because, simply put, our brain can enter REM sleep cycle quicker given these circumstances.

I’m going to aim to trade my current monophasic sleep schedule (one chunk of about 8h of sleep) into 6 20min naps spread out throughout the day.

The consequences of this would be (once the adaptation is over, and I’ll get to that in a sec.):

  • About 6 more hours a day to do whatever I please… Which comes to about 2-3 extra days per week, 11 days extra per month, and a mind blowing 20 extra weeks per year. Though, correct me if I’m wrong. Given that the sleep deprivation has already begun to settle in.
  • Though less sleep, better quality of it.
  • 6 chances to lucid dream a day instead of only 1.
  • Possible feeling of euphoria.
  • A lot more time alone. Which for an introvert who loves quiet and appreciates their privacy maybe a bit more than they should like me is fantastic.
  • Though I’ll have more free time my schedule will become virtually unchangeable unless I want to go through periods of tiredness (how intense this feeling might be and how long it lasts depends of every person, or so I’ve seen in different forums).
  • Obviously I’ll be seen as a social misfit but in my case I think I’ll actually enjoy that. I like creating a bit of controversy and delving into the taboo.

Here I’ll be updating how things are going and tips and tricks I find along the way anyone is interested.

Feel free to contact me as well in case you have any questions or things you might think I should consider.

Oh, also, I’ll be starting college on the in 5 days so I’m hoping the sleep deprivation won’t be terrible by then.

On my next post I’m going to be talking about my habits, the adaptation period (the only period where you should suffer from sleep deprivation) and my reasons to try this.